Computer Ships is an Online Multiplayer Vehicular-Combat game. Players pilot crafts that evolve based on their behavior, and are tasked with destroying the enemy's carrier ship.
Computer Ships originated as a 10 week project that evolved into a passion project. I acted as creative director and lead designer. I was responsible for writing and maintaining the game and system design documents, liaising between teams of different disciplines, level design and leading Q.A. testing events, collecting feedback from interviews, surveys and observation.
After the initial 10 week project cycle, we recruited other members to the team, including concept artists to rework the aesthetic but most notably the professional sound and music designers from Noise Floor. At the time, they hadn’t made music or sounds for games before and it was both a learning and teaching experience working with them.
The game was submitted to Indiecade and Entelechy, where it was nominated for an award.
The development of this game has been one of experimentation and exploration and an invaluable experience that has helped me to grow/expand my skill set as a developer.
Pre-production documentation and other Resources:
Development blog (only first 10 weeks):
Greybox in progress for the next map. The original map was a bit clustered and cramped, though some good lessons about flow, sight lines, and how smaller areas tie into a bigger map were learned.